Friday, June 24, 2016

Funny Story about Joko Bodo

Joko Bodo and a Beautiful Girl

Hey, this is Esar !

Once upon a time, long time ago, there's a young man named Joko Bodo, he lives in the wooden house in the middle of forest of East Java with his mom. The forest completely far away from any civilization. He spent the rest of his life in the forest, working and living.

One day, his mom tell him to get a few of woods for stock needs about a mile away from their home. In his way to look for the wood, he finds a very beautiful girl lying on the ground beside a huge tree, seems exhausted and sleeping. He's very excited and take her to his home right away. 

Once he get home, he tell his mom, "I FIND A GIRL, LOOK MOM ! SHE'S ASLEEP, I'M GONNA MARRY HER". His mom looks confused,

Mom : where you find her?
Joko : in my way to get wood
Mom : *pinch her* 
Joko : Don't mom
Mom : is she sleeping?
Joko : YES, i'm gonna put her in my bed, and when she wakes up, i'm gonna marry her.
Mom : okay, take care of her!
Joko : i will

Then, Joko goes in and out every 5 minutes to his bed to check if she has waken up. Sometimes he looks at her and looks inpatient to speak to her. He wait patiently for hours but she's still sleeping, he doesn't want to disturb her and keep waiting.

3 Days Later

When joko is helping his mom making grilled meat, he smells something rotten, he tries to follow the smell with his nose, and finding that the smell is from his bed. The smell is from the beautiful girl apparently, Joko immediately tell his mom and they're checking the girl together.

Mom : she has died ...
Joko : no way mom ...
Mom : if someone smells stink like this, it means they have died, same like other dead animal you saw. Then they're gonna be rotten and then there will be maggots all over the body, draining it.
Joko : what am i gonna do ?
Mom : we should bury her
Joko : why ?
Mom : that's what we have to do if a human die, you have to bury me if i'm dead too.

Afterwards, Joko and his mom bury her near their house, Joko feels very sad and lose, he finally learns something about death. 

One day,

His mom is cooking and then accidentally farts, Joko smells something stink and follows the smell with his nose again (this man indeed has a really good smelling). His face stops right in his mom's butt !

Mom : wtf are you doing ?
Joko : OMG you're dead mom
Mom : wtf are you talking about?
Joko : *hold his mom and grab her up and cries loud* YOU'RE DEADDD MOMMMMM, I SHOULD BURY YOUUUUUU ............
Mom : WHAATTT........... ??!!


yeah that's it for the post
Salam Damai

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